We start with the finest ingredients for our artisan menu, an authentic venue dripping with local art and character.
You’ll also get to sample our Reserve Spirit ZEA Vodka, sure to be an unique and flavorful soiré into what we seek to demonstrate is the finest liquid in the world!
Call Leobardo Espinosa to Make a Reservation via WhatsApp +52 221 300 0963

Dear Guest,
It is an honor to welcome you to Casa ZEA!
As the principal owner and founder of ZEA Spirítu, I write on behalf of our investors to share the story behind our endeavor, and I hope to deepen your understanding of this event and our Spirits Company.
The ZEA project was born on a majestic walk through a milpa corn field in Ixtenco, Tlaxcala. The geographical coordinates from that moment are; on our label, and are displayed in the beautiful mural here in Casa ZEA. The name ZEA was also decided on that day. “Zea mays” is the scientific name for the grass family that evolved into corn, arguably the crop having the greatest impact on human civilizations.
This heritage corn is grown in Mexico by farmers using centuries-old natural methods, preserving the cultural legacy of ancestral Maize. We share their commitment to the land, and support their biodynamic and sustainable farming methods. The focus of our company is on the farmer, the land, the corn, and finally, our amazing product.
Zea is crafted with science and technology, but also with love towards the ancient culture of Mexico. Our goal is to deliver a world-class spirits line of Vodka, Gin, and Whisky with our values. We believe we have done exactly that!
Our still is named “Neltilizti”, which comes from the Nahuatl language, spoken in central Mexico. It translates to “the true life”. In a broader sense Neltilizti encompasses the ideas of righteousness and balance. It reflects a philosophy on morality and the proper way to live in harmony with the land. Each of us at ZEA Spiritu is committed to these values.
I must recognize the hard work and contributions of the people, without whom this project would not be successful! They are primarily: Alvaro Hernandez (Ph.d Candidate and Research Engineer, Technological Transfer leader distillation team member) Professor Enrique Herbert (ZEA Spiritu atomic-scale formulation lead responsible & Chromatography – Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy group leader laboratory responsible for US – FDA compliances). These two brought the scientific foundation to the ZEA vision! Carlota Montoya (Master Distiller and Spirits quality expert). Ollin Amaro (Custom equipment maker and Distillation team Member) Jesus Valdivia (Master equipment maker of Stills, Master Distiller and Spirits expert). There are many others in our ZEA family to whom we offer great praise and gratitude!
I have dedicated ZEA Spiritu to the hardworking families of Mexico, and to my father, Francisco Javier Salazar, who passed away at age 19 pursuing his dreams for a better world.
Once again, Welcome! On behalf of our investors I wish you a wonderful evening of food and spirits from the bountiful lands of Mexico.
Marco Antonio Salazar
Founder & Chairman
Investors and Owners:
Leobardo Espinosa (CEO)
Taylor Peyton Doop
Steven Brashear
John Barton
Ryan Stanley
Greg Custer
Tyler Rogel
Katarzyna Mikuc
Saeed Gorbani
Robert Hebinck
Paulo Villagran
Paulo is the Mexican artist behind the transformation of our Reserve Vodka glass bottles into captivating one-of-a-kind art pieces. When you arrive at Casa ZEA you’ll be treated to more of his work, including our extrordinary wall mural graphic as you ascend the Casa ZEA stairs.
Join us at Casa ZEA for a fantastic evening of culture, cuisine and remarkable spirits.